AGM – Sunday 2nd February 2025

The Club AGM will be held on Sunday 2nd February at 8pm in the Charlbury Community Centre.  This will follow senior training that night.

Details will be circulated to members via SPOND and the WhatsApp group.  Please make every effort to attend the meeting.

Clubhouse lounge bar refurbishments for 2021:

We are pleased to be able to issue a photograph of the new layout in the clubhouse, following new furniture being delivered and installed to-day. The decorating has been completed, carpet and matting laid, with door blinds and a new 54″ TV to be installed next week. Hopefully we shall soon be able to take advantage of this new facility once the Covid regulations are lifted, but in the meantime the bar will be open for ‘table service’ only, with plenty of space outside for social distancing.

New ‘roadside sign’ for Charlbury C.C.

We are very grateful to Cornbury Estates and Cotswold-Graphics for the new signboard that was erected yesterday at the club entrance, and can be viewed and read from both directions. This is a very substantial sign and hopefully will last for many years to come. A further sign is in the process of manufacture and will be placed at the entrance to the main car park before the start of the season.

All Stars & Dynamos – Bookings now live

The booking links are now live to join either the All Stars or Dynamos programmes which will be running at Charlbury CC this season.

All Stars is open to boys and girls aged 5-8 years and will run from 5.30pm on Fridays from 7th May – the booking link is HERE

Dynamos is open to Girls only aged 8-11 years and will run from 6.30pm on Fridays from 7th May – the booking link is HERE

More details about both of the programmes can be found on the relevant pages on youth section.